Grades , What does Quality A-E means?

Simply put: A means best and E is worst. Click here for general info on how this grading (rating) systems works

Grade A Manuals: The best out there

Grade E Manuals: Too good to throw away

This and all other grading systems are always arbitrary. Most manuals are over 2 (or 3!) decades old so please understand: "really new" can't be true, or it would be reproductions. I'm not in this "business" to cheat or get rich quick so I hope for some understanding. I use these guidelines to get to a grade:



Flaws on the front cover are worse than on one of the middle pages.

Small discoloration is not considered as a big flaw. Stains are worse

When the front cover is damaged it can't be "Grade A"

The smallest spots/stains are allowed on "Grade A" 

Many Manuals with a good looking front cover will be "Grade A"

When writing or stickers are on the cover "Grade B" is maximum

                                                         Small/medium Dog-ears on manuals are acceptable with  "Grade B

Bigger creases (dog-ears) are acceptable with "Grade C"

When  obvious/big repairs on the  outside are visible, "Grade D" is maximum

When more than half a page is missing that contains info or graphics, "Grade E" is maximum

I don't use microscopes or a magnifying glas

If it's trash and does not hold any vallue it will not get listed.

Prices will be lowered with about 10 to 20% each grade-drop


to be fair:

Grade A are the best out there and a first impression of these must be: It looks (as good as) new

The minimum the quality of a manual has to be for sale on this site is usable ,readable and >=90% complete: this is "Grade E".

Everything else is in between is always open for discussion, it's arbitrary. Please know that I will be on the save side in general, this will be an advantage for you. If I make a big mistake I will partially refund*  the amount If I "mis-graded" it by 2 grades + 1 grade extra!

For Example: If you show/tell me I sent you a "C Grade" manual and sold it as an "A grade" I will give you the difference* between "A  grade" and "D Grade" (about 40%).  When I sent you a B (in your opinion) I sold as an A , please understand this is the arbitrary part that is very hard to do perfect all the time (and for everyone). If you can't trust me on this I would recommend to only buy "Actual Items"


*refund in store credit only and with fair use policy. Returns are also accepted but please consider the (shipping)costs and environment. With returns there are no question's asked. When applying for a partial refund in 1 (or first) occasion, there will be no questions asked either. Multiple claims or repeated claims will be investigated by asking for photos's


I chose the method of grading as well as listing actual items because only listing actual items  would make the manuals overpriced, especially when I have more than 1 of the same quality in stock. I use "stock" photo's of these items that are taken by myself once. With more expensive items I will take pictures of the actual item. These actual pictures of the items will be accompanied with the text "Actual Item". If you don't see "Actual Item" you can assume it's a stock photo and you will have to rely on the grading systems combined with the examples.  Need More examples ? You can get a good feeling of how I grade these original manuals by checking  all  "Actual Items" (there is a letter (ABCDE) in the picture)


please check all grades before you buy a manual that does not have pictures of the actual item!

click here for: "Grade A"  "Grade B"  "Grade C" "Grade D"Grade E"

and see the examples with the "Actual Item!"


"Actual Item" = What you see is what you get

"Graded" = 1 photo* is re-used for 5 different quality's


*(taken by myself once)